July 19, 2006

Devotion, prayer, meditation, and reflection lie at the heart of spiritual life.

All around the world Bahá'ís and their friends come together in devotional gatherings to pray and meditate. These devotional gatherings are a means of helping people attain inner peace in this crowded and frenetic world.

To Bahá'ís collective worship is an important ingredient in the flourishing of community life. Prayer also reinforces individual spiritual development; and the spiritual growth that is generated by each individual devotion is strengthened by the friendship and caring among the group, the individual's service to God and fellow human beings, and the support that comes from worshipping as a community.

We look at devotional gatherings as journeys taken together to explore the principal ways by which we can learn to commune with the divine. Drawing on a variety of religious traditions, with use of the words and tablets of Bahá'u'lláh and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, we offer prayers of thanks, ask for mercy, compassion, courage, and resolve, pray for peace and justice on earth, and generally deepen our appreciation of grace and our attitude of detachment, reliance on God, contentment, and submission. There are no rituals involved whatsoever.

Organized by local Bahá'í communities, and offered as a service to the wider public, the primary aim of a Bahá'í devotional gathering is worship and not to spread the Bahá'í Faith, (although of course people's questions will be answered and they are welcome to find out more about its teachings).

If you live in Mogale City and you'd like to join us in worship please email me at 1844@global.co.za for information about the time and place of our next devotional gathering. Outside of Mogale City please contact the National Bahá'í office and we will put you into contact with Bahá’ís in your area.


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